Javadoc documentation of the OTKit Java library, a tool for programming Optimality Theory.


hu.birot.OTKit.dataType Classes representing basic pieces of information used to build OT components.
hu.birot.OTKit.dataType.violation Classes representing a violation of an OT constraint.
hu.birot.OTKit.grammarExamples Classes representing concrete examples of a Grammar, including all the components.
hu.birot.OTKit.learning Classes representing approaches to learning a grammar.
hu.birot.OTKit.multiagent Classes related to multiagent simulations.
hu.birot.OTKit.otBuildingBlocks Classes corresponding to the basic components of standard Optimality Theory.
hu.birot.OTKit.performance Classes related to approaches to linguistic performance and simulated annealing.
hu.birot.OTKit.runableExamples Executable classes that are examples about how to use OTKit.


Javadoc documentation of the OTKit Java library, a tool for programming Optimality Theory.

The basic components of Optimality Theory are found in package otBuildingBlocks. Packages dataType.* contain data structures mainly used for the "building blocks". Packages performance, learning and multiagent point to "more advanced topics". A number of classes contain examples and implementations.